Want to have a voice search enabled onsite search box?
We have the right solution. Just for you.
Searching on your website couldn’t be easier. Your visitors will be happy. Give it a try!
Searching on your website couldn’t be easier. Your visitors will be happy. Give it a try!
Some facts about onsite search
We democratize onsite search experience
When it comes to a customer’s path to purchase the search box is critical.
Our range of intelligent, robust search box features will play a vital role in enhancing the users’ experience on your website.
We offer a complete set of tools and tailored services to help our clients stand out from the crowd and have a well featured search box on their websites.
SearchPlus offers unprecedented user satisfaction through a comprehensive range of
features that optimize search box usage.
SearchPlus is a must have addition for every website with a search box.
Dictate search query instead of using the slow keyboard.
Smart suggesting what the user is trying to type.
Automatically detect and fix typing errors or ambigious statements.
Different languages could be selected. Specialized dictionaries could be applied.
Predefined list of custom and relevant words tailored to the website content and context.
Detect typing in a shorthand dialect an translate it to a language that your search engine understands.
Pricing plans / per month
Pricing plans / per year
If your business demands don’t fit into any of our plans, we may create special tailor made plan for your needs.
Book a free consultation and find out how we can help you to enhance your internal site search.
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